The Sabre (Feb. – April 1913)

The next known publication produced by the Cadets of the Staunton Military Academy was a pamphlet style newspaper entitled The Sabre. Three  issues of The Sabre were published in the Spring of 1913. Only the February and March issues are known to still exist

To read these issues, simply click on one of the front pages below and that issue will open in a new Tab.

These issues are word searchable. To activate the search function after opening the issue, simply press down the CTRL key and the F key at the same time. A search box will open inside the document. Enter the word you wish to search for and then click on either the previous () or the next () button.


The Sabre - Feb. 1913
The Sabre – Feb. 1913
The Sabre - Mar. 1913
The Sabre – Mar. 1913

 The Cadet (1894)          The Bulletin Board (Fall 1913 – Spring 1914)